The stop-list of the organ, as now rebuilt by Principal Pipe Organs Ltd of York
Pedal Organ (CC to g32)
1. Acoustic Bass (A) 32
2. Geigen (B) 16
3. Bourdon (A) 16
4. Violoncello (B) 8
5. Bass Flute (A) 8
6. Fifteenth (B) 4
7. Flute (A) 4
8. Fagotto (C) 16
9. Cornopean (C) 8
10. Clarion (C) 4
a. Great to Pedal
b. Swell to Pedal
Great Organ (CC to c61)
11. Contra Geigen 16
12. Open Diapason 8
13. Claribel Flute 8
14. Principal 4
15. Flute 4
16. Fifteenth 2
17. Sesqualtera (12.17) II
18. Mixture (15.19.22) III
19. Cornopean ( Sw – C) 8
c. Swell to Great
Swell Organ (CC to c61)
20. Open Diapason 8
21. Harmonic Flute 8
22. Keraulophon 8
23. Voix Celeste 8
24. Principal 4
25. Stopped Flute 4
26. Flageolet 2
27 Mixture (19.22.26). III
28. Cornopean (C) 8
d. Tremulant
e. Great to Swell
A comprehensive piston system is provided with 8 memories.
The key action is direct electric, using Heuss magnets.